"If you want to be a winner, sometimes you have to be willing to bear the scars from the fight" - Petra Salvaje

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blogging for Life

As I've searched through blogs to get a feel for how other people use them, one theme keeps coming up - posting info and pictures to keep family and friends in the loop on how the family is growing.  Filled with pictures, stories and other anecdotes, blogs have helped families stay in contact, something than has become ever more difficult as families are living further and further apart and lives become more and more busy.

I have seen travel blogs that help people live vicariously through the oh so lucky world travelers.  I am aware of political blogs that provide information and awareness to those seeking enlightenment. 

But I have recently become aware of music and art blogs, photo, music and audio blogs - things I had not considered before.

There are corporate blogs and personal blogs, community and religious blogs.  Basically, you can find a blog for anything people want to talk about, discuss or learn about.  An AMAZING gift for communication.  SO much to look at - so little time...  :o}


  1. I am thinking that we will also see fewer hard bound academic journals in the future and more collaborative journal sites either on webpages or blogs. Instead of wading through a secretive peer review process, that review will happen publicly. Ideally that will have the result of making us more careful with what we publish, but it will also help us move forward with ideas rather than waiting a year to have them published. In places where there is still tenure, there will have to be some accounting for this new kind of publishing, but there will be resistance.

  2. I am actually surprised at how many blog posts come up during research! There are a lot of people out there who like to share what they know about what they are passionate about and end up providing a lot of useful information as well as resources we may otherwise have missed! It is crazy to see how much blogging is really going on and all the different topics of interest! :)

  3. Your post made me think of one of the ways that I can use blogging in the classroom. I can send students to certain sites to read and reply to certain blogs. Then I can go and read the posts! Before reading this I was very oriented on using my blog but not others...Thanks!

  4. Blogs are basically being used in all fields, professional, educational, recreational, the list goes on. As people learn how to use them, manage them, and become comfortable using them, everyone will soon have a blog. It is interesting to look at other’s blogs and see their creativity, ideas, and topics.
